
Thursday, August 21, 2014

To Drink or Not to Drink (As Always, A Moderation Question)

Like any topic, there’s conflicting opinions on alcohol, especially alcohol and sex. How much, how much is too much, adverse reactions, why some alcohol is all right… the talk goes on and on. We all know that alcohol is a depressant, that it dehydrates us, that it can make it more difficult to achieve orgasm if they’ve too much to drink. Alcohol can contribute to vaginal dryness in women and delayed ejaculation in men. (Since the Kinsey studies report that 75% of men reach orgasm in around two minutes, more recent ones indicating that up to seven minutes is average, that might not be entirely a bad thing for the woman in their lives!)

So by the initial reading, sex and alcohol look like a no-go, but what are some of the advantages?

  • Lessened inhibitions, which might help some women reach orgasm easier.
  • While women might not reach orgasm, they experience more subjective pleasure and feel more relaxed during the experience.
  • Wine makes people happy. At least, it makes me happy. I love having a drink with my Spousal-Type Creature, taking a shower, and… well, you get the idea. ;-)

So what’s the answer, to drink or not to drink? Science is pointing toward moderation being the key, as with so many things. A little goes a long way, and the focus should be on enjoying the experience, not on drinking one another under the table. (Or drinking yourself under the table, a la yours truly.)

The alcohol/ sex debate will continue, much like “should you eliminate sugar from your diet?” “Are carbs evil?” “How to get thin thighs without getting off the couch!”

You get the idea.

Life is too short not to enjoy it, and if having a glass of your favorite beverage and knocking boots with someone you care about (even if you only care about them tonight), be safe and go for it.


“What Alcohol Really Does to Your Sex Life.” Petra Zebroff. Huff Post. 07 January 2013.

“10 Fascinating Facts About the Male Orgasm.” Laura Berman, PhD. Everyday Health. 20 November 2012.