
Monday, September 8, 2014

Last Night I Slept With… Mary Roach

I do tend to get around, literary-speaking that is. And have an annoying tendency to fall asleep and cuddle with my books as well. (Not sure what that equates to as an endorsement, but there you go.) So I thought it might be fun to feature a weekly review of which book I’m sleeping with this week.

I first encountered Mary Roach over a year ago when her release, Gulp, was featured on an interview with NPR. That book was all about the human digestive system and her sense of humor had me hooked immediately. When browsing at my local library a few weeks ago, I came across Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex in the Science section, and simply couldn’t pass it up.

I was not disappointed.

This hugely informative and loudly hilarious read not only sheds light on the obscure study that is sex research, but has a whole lot of fun while doing it. If psychology or physiology had this much sass and flavor, I might have stuck with it longer.

Or taken it at all.

Roach makes anything she studies approachable, comprehensible, and fun. And you can’t get any more fun than true, wacky tales of sex research. (Sex machine known as the Thillhammer, anyone?)

Lastly today, some shameless self-promotion. The Forbidden Fruit blog tour is in full swing, from now until September 22. So be sure to stop and visit all these lovely ladies. There are some great interviews and it’s been fun hearing from everyone. My interview went live on Sunday, and can be found over at LC Spoering’s blog.  End shameless self-promotion.